71point4 > Projects > Financial inclusion > Customer analytics toolkit

Customer analytics toolkit

Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)


Survey data, qualitative data, internal transactions data

Capacity building, customer analytics


The CGAP Customer-Centric Guide is a collection of hands-on toolkits that help organisations to design and deliver effective financial services for low-income customers. 71point4 has been working with CGAP to present the Customer Analytics and Customer Segmentation toolkits in a workshop environment. Participants include financial services providers including banks, fintechs and insurance providers.


The Customer analytics toolkit spans the entire analytics process from finding data, drawing insights, implementation and assessing the impact on customers. The workshop talks to the various challenges that organisations may face when trying to implement customer analytics including data challenges such as data that is not easily accessible and poor-quality data and suggests strategies to overcome these challenges. The workshop includes examples and case studies from organisations that have implemented customer analytics. 71point4 has presented at workshops in Delhi, Chennai, Kigali and Accra. In addition, the team has participated in webinars hosted by CGAP.


The workshop aims to leave participants with an understanding of why customer analytics is important. The starting point of the workshop is to encourage participants to frame their business challenges in terms the customer. For instance, a business challenge might be: “we have a high dormancy rate”. Organisations are then encouraged to think about this challenge from the customer’s perspective, for example: “I do not engage with the service because I don’t see what value it offers me”. The workshop also provides direction on how organisations can start, or continue, their journey to customer-centricity.

Project resources


Customer Analytics: Data analytics for customer-centric business approaches

Workshop recording & material


Customer analytics toolkit
